Saturday, January 07, 2006

First yoga in ages

After I had the foot surgery I couldn't do asanas that involved standing, balancing on one foot, lying prone, tucking my toes under, or kneeling. I did a lot of twists before I got bored; and let's face it, I'm just not cut out to sit and breathe for more than a few minutes at a time. However, my foot is back to normal, which means that it doesn't hurt any more than it did before the surgery, most of the time (don't I sound like a martyr there) , and The Moving Co., where I've taken yoga for years, had a freebie day today, with half hour demo lessons, so I went back to take a lesson from the Iyengar teacher who is my yoga guru. Good lesson, good to be back, and my foot hurts. I have a doctor appointment on Monday where I hope to find out if this is as good as it gets. If it is, I'm determined to be satisfied with that and move on. At least I can fit my foot into a shoe now and it doesn't look as gross as before. Maybe wishing I could walk across a wood floor barefooted is too much to ask, whimper whimper.
I remind myself that I can choose how I react to things, and difficult as it is I prefer to choose to be happy with the feet I have.
(My knees, back, and hands never give me a moment's trouble. I never get headaches. Things could be a lot worse.)


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