Saturday, January 14, 2006

Secret pals

Maybe no one else has this strange feeling at being between pals. My previous two, the spoiler in London and the spoilee in Montreal, have become people I feel I know because I read their blogs; but it's a weird relationship because it's like snarking. Don't know if anyone who isn't from Utah knows that term -- it's what you do when you walk down the street in the evening and look in the lighted windows and make up stories about the people whose lives you glimpse. What I'd really like to do is get together with Pink Hebe and K with our knitting and a glass (okay, a bottle) of wine to sit and talk and solve the problems of the world for an evening. They are such interesting people. And I have been well spoiled -- and, now that I have the address right, my spoilee should finally be getting her last gift. And I'm furious at myself that I wrote the wrong code on the previous one, but maybe some day, some time the other one will appear. Maybe.
And now I'm getting to meet two new SPs, and I'm looking forward to the windows into their lives as well. This is fun!


At 6:14 AM, Blogger K. said...

I must say that we were a kick ass spoiler and that I soooo enjoyed getting to know you through SP6 :-)
Yaaaaay new friends!

At 7:32 AM, Blogger Sweet Camden Lass said...

Oh, don't feel like you're snarking. You're one of the people who reads my blog on a regular basis, *and* I know who you are. There's someone reading it in Egypt, regularly, and I have *no* idea who they are.

I saw a dropped stich scarf in Liberty made out of the swansdown. £150 in the sale, if I remember correctly.

If you're ever in London, then come and visit. And, if I'm ever over your way, I'll come over.


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