Band concert
Imagine a Norman Rockwell picture of a New England Greek Revival-style white church perched on a hillside in the country. In front of it, a town band in red shirts played to an audience of old people, band family members, and some young couples with toddlers. We don't have any colored leaves yet in our area, but on the other hand, by the time we do it's usually a bit cool to play outside. We did our usual show of marches, show tunes and oldies, and a few patriotic things; whenever we got to these, the equally rabid liberal trombone who sits next to me and I muttered snarky comments.I enjoy these concerts as much for the company as the music. It's fun to watch the youngest trumpet player (11 years old) as his cheeks turn red while he reaches for the high notes. Our director embarrassed the bass drum by mentioning her wedding next Saturday. And the french horn (otherwise known as Jerry, my husband) turned around and made faces every time the trombones smeared our notes.
Haven't yet figured out how to knit and play trombone at the same time.
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